Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test


Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test. Over 99% accurate. The test should not detect an LH surge at concentrations less that 22mIU/ml, and should detect an LH surge at concentrations over 40mIU/ml.



Earliest test can be performed:

Depends on cycle length.


Over 99% accurate. The test should not detect an LH surge at concentrations less that 22mIU/ml, and should detect an LH surge at concentrations over 40mIU/ml. (LH is secreted throughout the menstrual cycle in varying quantities. All women have a base level of LH in their urine, and this is generally in the range between 6-13mIU/ml. A surge of LH increases this level to the range 50-200mIU/ml).

Stream or dip urine test.

Counselling Points:

Not intended for contraceptive use and not suitable if the consumer has recently been pregnant, reached the menopause, has polycystic ovarian syndrome or is taking certain fertility drugs. Check manufacturer’s instructions for any other medication being taken. Always read the leaflet.


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