Online Doctor now available

Cystitis antibiotics

Cystitis information, advice, and order treatment online - be prepared with standby antibiotic available to buy online from Pharma Aesthetics.

Medical information

Answer medical questions to order

Have you read the medical information?
Yes No
Have you been diagnosed with cystitis in the past?
Yes No
Are you aware Pharma Aesthetics supplies 'standby' treatment only for cystitis?
Yes No

If you already have symptoms a postal service will take too long. Women who have cystitis symptoms already should contact their GP, out-of-hours service, a local pharmacy, or telephone NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online, for advice.

Are you aware Pharma Aesthetics doctors may decline repeat orders made before 6 months?
Yes No

Frequent episodes of cystitis may need investigating by your own GP. If ordering again earlier than 6 months, please message the reason to our doctors from your My Account area after completing your order.

Do you wish to order nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim?
Yes No

Nitrofurantoin is the usual first choice, but does not suit everyone. Trimethoprim not recommended for over 75s. Only one or the other can be ordered on each consultation. The cystitis medical information, and pages about nitrofurantoin and trimethoprim, will help you choose which you require. It is advised to use nitrofurantoin, if you have used trimethoprim in the previous 3 months.

Do any of the following apply?
Yes No

You are allergic to nitrofurantoin Your kidneys do not work very well, if in doubt check first with your doctor Porphyria or G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency Diabetes Lung disease, including asthma Liver disease Ongoing anaemia Persistent low vitamin B, or folate If in doubt please ask your regular doctor.

Will you be taking any of the following medicines at the same time as nitrofurantoin?
Yes No

Antacid indigestion remedies Probenecid or sulfinpyrazone (rarely used long term gout treatments) Acetazolamide (glaucoma, altitude sickness) Citrate or bicarbonate to neutralise urine acidity Other antibiotics of the quinolone (floxacin) type Oral typhoid vaccine (not usually used) If you are in doubt please ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Are you planning to take nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim whilst pregnant or breastfeeding?
Yes No
Are you aware the following symptoms would require urgent medical advice?
Yes No

Back pain (symptom of possible kidney infection) Flu-like symptoms (fever, nausea and vomiting, rashes, and collapse)

Are you aware cystitis symptoms should improve within 24 hours and resolve within 3 days of starting antibiotics?
Yes No

Symptoms not improving within 24 hours or not resolved within 3 days require further medical assessment.

If you are over 65 have you arranged a urine test at your GP surgery?
Yes No

Resistance to antibiotics is more common over 65 years. If under 65 years answer 'Yes'.

Do you have any further medical information or questions?
Yes No

Is there anything you do not understand or do you need further help?

Do all the following apply to you?
Yes No

The medication is for my own use and I will not share with anyone else I will read the patient information leaflet supplied with my tablets I am female (this antibiotic is for women prone to cystitis NOT men) I am 18-75 years and I agree to identity verification checks I have completed this questionnaire myself and fully understand all the information My responses are honest and accurate, and I understand that this is necessary for a safe medical assessment I agree to the terms & conditions, privacy policy, data sharing policy & consent to cookies

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