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Chlamydia antibiotics

Pharma Aesthetics provides confidential chlamydia test and doxycycline antibiotic for chlamydia.

Medical information

Answer medical questions to order

Have you read the medical information?
Yes No
Have you taken treatment for chlamydia in the last 3 months?
Yes No
Are you allergic to doxycycline or other tetracycline antibiotics?
Yes No
Have you or a sexual partner of yours had a positive chlamydia test?
Yes No

Chlamydia test kits are available to buy online, or free from NHS sexual health clinics (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland), GPs, family planning clinics, young people clinics, some Brook centres and The Terence Higgins Trust.

Have you been diagnosed with liver disease?
Yes No
Are you pregnant or breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant whilst taking doxycycline?
Yes No
Are you taking any of the following medicines?
Yes No

These medicines interact with doxycycline: Warfarin or other anticoagulants (for thinning the blood) Penicillin (antibiotic - avoid with doxycycline) Phenobarbital or Carbamazepine or Phenytoin or Primidone (for epilepsy or fits) Ciclosporin (suppresses immunity - rarely used).

Are you aware you should refrain from sexual contact for 7 days until your treatment has been completed?
Yes No
Are you aware, after treatment, it may take up to 14 days for symptoms to go?
Yes No

Most people do not have symptoms. If symptoms remain after 14 days see your GP or sexual health clinic.

Are you aware doxycycline does not treat all sexually transmitted disease?
Yes No
Are you aware, where possible, sexual partner(s) should be informed of your need for chlamydia treatment?
Yes No

Sexual health clinics in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland can help with confidential partner notification, treatment, and advice if required.

Are you aware that guidelines recommend a repeat chlamydia test after 3 months if you are under 25 years old?
Yes No
Do you have mucous loss from the back passage, bloody loss from the penis, bad smelling vaginal mucous, or irregular vaginal bleeding?
Yes No
Do you have any further medical information or questions?
Yes No

Is there anything you do not understand or do you need further help?

Do the following apply to you?
Yes No

The medication is for my own use and I will not share with anyone else (partners and contacts MUST order separately) I will read the information leaflet supplied with the tablets I am over 18 and I agree to identity verification checks (younger people can get treatment through the National Chlamydia Screening Program) I have completed this questionnaire myself and fully understand all the information My responses are honest and accurate, and I understand that this is necessary for a safe medical assessment I agree to the terms & conditions, privacy policy, data sharing policy & consent to cookies.

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